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What is Disc Pain and How Can it be Confirmed?

Disc Pain physiotherapy Winnipeg

Do you suffer from low back pain? You might be surprised to learn that a disc problem could be the culprit. This can cause a range of discomforts, from shooting pains to numbness and tingling. To find out for sure, you'll need an MRI or CT scan. But what exactly is a disc problem, and how can you recognize the symptoms? We've got the answers you need to get to the bottom of your back pain.

What Is Disc Pain?

Did you know that the discs in your spine are like tiny shock absorbers? Not only do they provide support for your back, but they also allow for flexibility. But when one of these discs becomes herniated or slips out of place, it can cause serious discomfort. Along with the pain, you may experience tingling, numbness, weakness, and difficulty with everyday tasks like standing or sitting. So take care of your discs and maintain a healthy spine!

How Can You Confirm If You Have Disc Pain?

In order to accurately diagnose disc pain, doctors typically recommend an MRI or CT scan. An MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) uses magnetic fields and radio waves to create detailed images of the inside of your body while a CT (Computed Tomography) scan takes multiple X-rays from different angles in order to create cross-sectional images of the body. Both tests are safe and non-invasive and provide doctors with clear images of any abnormalities within the spine.

If either test reveals that there’s an issue with one or more discs in the spine, doctors will then work with patients to come up with an individualized treatment plan that best meets their needs. Treatment plans often involve rest, physical therapy, medications such as anti-inflammatories or muscle relaxers, steroid injections into the affected area, acupuncture, chiropractic care, yoga or pilates exercises designed to strengthen core muscles around the spine and even surgery in extreme cases.

It’s important to remember that not all low back pain is caused by a herniated disc; however if you’re experiencing any symptoms listed above it may be worth getting checked out by your doctor just to make sure that nothing else is causing your discomfort. An MRI or CT scan will help determine if a herniated disc is responsible for your back pain so you can get started on appropriate treatment right away. Taking care of yourself now can help prevent more serious issues down the road so don’t hesitate to seek medical attention if something doesn’t feel right!


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